Your intuition is a subconscious mental process that allows you to make decisions or form judgments without relying on explicit reasoning, analysis, or conscious awareness. It is often described as a “gut feeling” or a sense of knowing that arises without conscious thought or effort.

Your intuition is kind of like the compass or Maps app of your life, just as the compass points us in the right direction or as the Maps app guides us to where we want to go, our intuition points us towards the best course of action in any given situation.
Personally, I don’t go anywhere I haven’t already been without using my Maps app, it makes my life SO much easier – truly!! & I can say the same about my intuition.
I’ve honestly always been an intuitive person. I mean, we’re all capable of being intuitive… but I have always been in tune with my intuition – able to make decisions based on what my body is telling me, read situations, people, energies, all by trusting my intuition.
Your intuition is always speaking to you whether you realize it or not. If you don’t feel as intune with your intuition as you would like to be there are various ways in which you can develop & strengthen it. We’re going to talk about my top 5 ways to perceive & strengthen your intuition so that you can gain the ultimate guidance in life.
- Feelings vs Emotions
The first way in which we become more intune with our emotions is by learning to separate our feelings with our emotions. We are emotional beings & our souls go through life experiencing all the different emotions, but that’s the very thing… emotions are fleeting, they never stick around, they always pass.
But your feelings on the other hand, are a general sentiment that you have towards something that’s not necessarily emotionally charged. So, whenever you are trying to gauge a specific person, situation, or event, it’s important that you take the emotion out of it & put yourself into a calm, grounded state. How do you feel about it? What feelings arise? Does it feel good? Does it feel bad? What is your body telling you… any feelings that surface is your body speaking to you, this is your intuition. So feel all of the emotions but just remember that they will pass, try not to let them get in the way of your judgments & intuition when you are trying to make a critical or practical decision.
Exercise: settle into a calm, grounded state, take a few deep breaths & ask yourself some yes & no questions, start with questions you already know the answers to, like “Is my name (your name)?”, “Is my name (not your name)?”, get a sense of where in the heart or gut region you feel those little pulls towards a yes & towards a no. Once you have a grasp on how your body reacts to a yes & to a no, you can practice this with other, not so obvious questions, for example “Do I want ___ for dinner?”. With enough practice, you’ll subconsciously begin to make decisions based on your intuition as a result of the sensation you feel towards something, or, based on your gut feelings.
- Meditation
Meditation is an amazing practice for calming the mind & becoming more intune with your subconscious, thus strengthening your intuition. Your intuition is very quiet, so sometimes the only way we can actually hear it is to still the mind enough to be receptive. There are various types of meditations that you can practice to access & develop your intuition, from guided, to frequency, to breath awareness & many more. Youtube is a great source for meditations along with many other apps you can download on your phone, I personally love Insight Timer!
Exercise: Once you’ve had enough practice with calming the mind & connecting with your subconscious, try silent mediations with no music or very light background music. Calm your mind & body & just sit. It is in this state where your intuitive voice can come through. Continue practicing this until you’ve mastered the skill of silencing your mind without any meditation for answers. This is how you become intune with your intuition.
- Control Your Emotions – Tap Into Love Energy
To be intune with your intuition you must have control over your emotions. You must be able to decipher a fear-based emotion or limiting belief from a gut feeling caused by your intuition. Awareness is KEY in connecting with your intuition & keeping your emotions in check. When you can call yourself out on your bullshit, your intuition becomes louder.
One thing I try to do throughout the day is tap into the frequency of love, your intuition is at a very high frequency energetically, & so is love. Whereas fear, for example, is a very low vibrational energy. Love is the opposite of fear – it is the highest possible vibration to exist.
Say you’ve noticed your mood is off one day or something happened that negatively impacted your mood. First, be proud you noticed that your mood is low or has been negatively affected. Now, tap into your emotions & choose a different mood, change your thoughts. It’s important to listen to your body, your intuition will always direct you in the right direction & can tell you what to do to feel happy again. Remember, your emotions are directions from the universe & the more intune you are with your emotions, the more intune you will be with your intuition.
Exercise: Take note of your emotions throughout the day & be aware of how you are feeling in the present moment. Awareness is the key that allows intuition to enter! Try practicing tapping into your love energy, you can do this by using Youtube meditations & musical frequencies. Another quick 5 minute exercise I like to practice is just simply closing my eyes & thinking of the people or animals in my life that I love unconditionally, think of your parents, your partner, your kids, your pets, etc., & imagine your love for them radiating through every cell in your body. Tapping into the vibration of love daily will raise your vibrational frequencies allowing you to be more aligned with your intuition.
- Practice & Practice OFTEN
The most direct, tangible way to tap into your intuition & receive a sign/message from the universe is by testing your intuitive instincts. One way you can do this is by using Oracle cards, practice doing readings & ask yourself “What is the universe trying to tell me?” with the cards that you receive. Use the card definitions as a guidance but remember to trust your gut when an answer comes through. Another way you can practice is by simply guessing little things throughout your day. You can also find endless videos on Youtube & tiktok to test & strengthen your intuition.
Exercise: Play around with an oracle deck using the booklet or descriptions as a guidance, tap into your intuition with each message you receive. If you receive a text or phone call try to intuit who it is before you look at the screen. If you ask somebody a question like “What do you want for dinner?” try to guess what they are going to say before they respond. Practice with videos on Youtube & tiktok where you guess the color of a crystal or the number that is going to appear.
Practice, Practice, PRACTICE! Overtime, your intuition will become instinctive – instant & without question.
- Make a List
Write down or make a list in a place that is easy for you to access (ie. your phone notes app) of all the messages & insights that you have received throughout the day. This does two things, the first thing it does is it helps give your logical mind proof that you are in fact intuitive. So if you are practicing your intuition throughout the day by guessing certain things or watching intuition videos online, write down what it is that you guessed & got right. This way you can go back to your list & remind yourself that you are intuitive because you have proof!
The second thing this does is it shows you how you personally receive intuition. Some people are more visual & will receive vision’s in their mind’s eye, some people physically or emotionally feel the insight that they’re receiving, some people hear the insight, & some people just happen to think of the insight like a thought that comes to them. When you are writing your list, make note of how you received this insight.

Those are the 5 things that I did to strengthen my intuition & navigate through life intuitively. These are powerful practices that I STILL utilize to keep my intuition sharp. With the intent to develop your intuition, you will achieve this so quickly!
Still, listen, feel, react.
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