Have you been feeling lost in your life? Not like yourself? Lacking motivation & out of routine?
You might be using distractions to escape the boredom of your day-to-day life & the lack of excitement of the future. These distractions could look like mindless scrolling, binge watching Netflix, playing video games, or turning to alcohol every weekend.
I’ve been in that position, multiple, multiples times! & I’ve got myself out of it. Falling into a rut is completely normal, we’re faced with so many options, decisions, & distractions every single day that we forget to look after ourselves.
First things first, you are NOT broken! & you can get back on your feet really fast.
If you are in a rut right now, I’m going to help you change your life! These are 5 foolproof ways to actually get started on your wellness journey to SEE real results.
The most common issues that people face when it comes to living a healthy & enjoyable lifestyle are: 1. Not having enough time in the day, 2. Difficulties with staying consistent, & 3. Never seeing results.
This is what you’re going to start doing:
- Clean your space: You need to clean your space & get rid of anything that’s not serving you. Get rid of all that extra miscellaneous stuff that’s in your pantry or cupboards, clean out your fridge, create a space that’s motivating, inspiring, & clean.
- Make it easy for yourself to get the proper nutrients: Find staple recipes under 20 minutes that are quick & easy to make. Pick a day of the week to plan out your meals, make a grocery list that goes with each meal you’re making. Get organized and create a plan for yourself, choose what you’re buying from the grocery store & don’t overbuy! Don’t allow yourself the option to order in, stick to your plan.
- Movement & exercise: Determine what activities make you feel better & what activities drain your energy. Avoid the energy drainers & try to incorporate more of the exercises into your routine that make you feel good. Tip: spending time outside has been a huge mood improver for me! Even just a light walk.
- Create a healthy morning routine: How you start your morning routine will actually change your days, weeks, & life. Changing my morning routine has honestly changed my life. If you’re interested in seeing what I incorporate into my mornings you can find it on my blog under Wellness > Mental Health.
- HYDRATE: Hydrate all day!!! H2O cures all. But seriously, hydration is essential so do your best to cut back on caffeine & sugary foods/drinks & stick to water.
Start with small, easy actions that you can take everyday. These small actions will compound over time & lead to massive changes. You might start with something as simple as making your bed, taking out the garbage, doing a single pushup, reading a single page out of a book, drinking a glass of water, eating a piece of fruit, or taking 5 minutes out of your day to stretch…
The point is to make these habits so small that they’re impossible to fail at. Start small, win big. Don’t wait, start today & watch the power of these small habits transform your life!
I know the feeling of being stuck, having no direction or no sense of purpose. But I promise you, if you take ONE thing from this post & start today, you will slowly (but surely) get back on track to feeling like the superstar that you are!
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